Gravity is named as an OXY Key Business Partner in the Midland Basin by achieving top performance through the OXY Safety Engagement & Mentoring Program (SEMP).
Gravity delivered outstanding results compared to 1200 contractors located in the Permian.
What is SEMP and why is it important to OXY?
The Safety Engagement Monitoring Program (SEMP) is a safety tool designed to establish and create a proactive SAFETY culture between OXY and its selected service providers. The overall goal of SEMP is to provide a safer work environment and achieve
Contractors are graded using a specific set of criteria. Contractors are paired with an OXY Champion who works closely with contractor safety management and personnel and measures accountability and completion of each of the criteria.

Who is in the SEMP Program?
Who is in the program?
- OXY selects contractors who are considered to be High Risk, High Spend and High Frequency.
- OXY Preferred Vendors
What are the benefits of the program?
- Program aligns with OXY’s Culture Traits.
- Establishes an open form of communication between service providers and OXY. Each contractor selected to participate is assigned an OXY Champion.
- Proactive safety accountability from contractor management and contractor HSE personnel.
- Sharing of best practice
A team whose own culture is aligned with Oxy's culture is likely to be more effective and produce better results.

Key Business Partner
Gravity has worked closely with OXY and our other business partners to provide the safest and most efficient service that aligns with clients safety standards, mission and values.
The Gravity safety culture is ingrained in all our employees from their first day on the job. Our commitment to safety inspires our employees to contribute personally to workplace safety which aids in efficient and effective operations. Among the safety practices now in place are written standard operating procedures; our Stop Work Program, which empowers any employee to stop work if there is danger to themselves or others; our Safety Observation Program, which reinforces strong safety habits by observing employees during job duties and correcting any deficient behavior; monthly online safety training that must be completed by all employees; and our Job Safety Analysis Program, which requires all employees to complete a job safety analysis form before each task or delivery and at the end of every day.